Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Rep. Curt Weldon Calls for Independant Investigation Into Able Danger Cover Up

I was listening to Michael Savage on my way home this evening and had the privelage of hearing Congressman Curt Weldon give a dynamite speech about Col. Tony Shaffer and the Able Danger cover up by the DIA (defense intelligence agency). Rep. Weldon is going to this man's defense because the DIA is trying to destroy his life. Col. Shaffer is the whistleblower who, I guess, first told the public (and Rep. Weldon) about the existence of Able Danger. The whole story is here, at the New American. Savage claims that this cover up is bigger than Watergate, DeLay and Rove and listening to Weldon's speech, I agree. We need to know why there is a cover up. WHY DID 3,000 AMERICANS HAVE TO DIE WHEN OUR MILITARY KNEW THE AL QUADA CELL WAS HERE?

Nate came across this excellent and seemingly far more informative blog which we have added to our links at the left: Bitter Greens Gazette. We will try to read it and emphasize, disagree or comment on it but you should read it yourself.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

New Links, Order Your Grass Fed Meat Early!

We added 4 new links to the right (yep, over there).

So, have you thought about ordering some grass fed meat for next year?
Breakaway Farms raises and sells beef, pork and poultry (including turkeys). They are located in South Central PA between Hershey and Elizabethtown just off Rt 743. Email Nate for more info:

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Please read this article called, The Connection Between MS and Aspartame by Russell Blaylock M.D.

Would you be surprised to learn that the same company that sold us agent orange, ddt, PCB's, sacharrin and a bunch of genetically modified organisms also owned the patent (now expired) for ASPARTAME? I am not surprised because the company is MONSANTO.

Should you trust a bio/tech/ag company who is now best known for its herbicide glyphosphate, marketed as ROUNDUP? This company is good at killing living organisms and they make the plants we eat! Ummm, let's think about this. OK, just because a chemical company is good at killing living organisms doesn't mean the plants they genetically modify are harmful, right? Tell you what, you keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.

Honestly, I have done about 20 minutes of Internet research from home about aspartame and most of that was reading the article above. You don't have to take my word for it. Do an Internet search for aspartame.

I have been chewing EXTRA gum for many years (about 10-15) and all the while reading on every pack "PHENYLKETONURICS: CONTAINS PHENYLALANINE". I often think to myself when I read that warning, "this gum will probably give me throat cancer or something, someday". Now I'm learning that indeed, this "isolated amino acid" is a neurotoxin that is especially dangerous for diabetics. This is a quote from the website

Phenylalanine is a hidden danger to anyone consuming aspartame. Most consumers don't know that too much Phenylalanine is a neurotoxin and excites the neurons in the brain to the point of cellular death.

ADD/ADHD, emotional and behavioral disorders can all be triggered by too much Phenylalanine in the daily diet. If you are one in ten thousand people who are PKU or carry the PKU gene, Phenylalanine can cause irreversible brain damage and death, especially when used in high quantities or during pregnancy. Phenylalanine is 50% of aspartame, and to the degree humans consume diet products, Phenylalanine levels are reaching a dangerous peak.

It is important to learn about the ingredients within your foods, especially isolated amino acids like Phenylalanine. They are in combination within nature for a reason - they don't belong in isolated form for the healthy human diet.

I will not be chewing any more extra gum, ever.


Monday, October 10, 2005


The whole M~ family was here today to celebrate GreenBean's and my Grandma's birthday. GreenBean's birthday is this month but my Grandma's was last month along with my brother, P~'s (but we didn't celebrate his for some reason). We grilled marinated pork tender loin and chicken breasts. Yum yum; as GreenBean would say. Everyone seemed to enjoy the meal so I feel good about that. It was kinda fun preparing to host.

M~ got a bunch of really nice gifts. Thank you to my family for the gifts for M~. They are super! My wife is glad for her to have new things to play with. It was good to see my grandparents again. I told GreenBean that she is lucky to have five great-grandparents still alive. What a blessing!

In thinking about the day I wish I would have looked at my grandparents more; to watch them and listen to them. I wonder how often I come across as dis-interested or oblivious. There were people I love at my house today, people I don't get to see very often. Was I a life giver? Did I connect with them, empathize, find out what they are going through? I'm asking here because I'm not sure that I was conscious enough this afternoon to, care? I mean, I wasn't thinking about them, others, I was thinking about me, mostly. I think I got too hung up on thinking it was very important that everyone in my family really enjoy the meal we ate. But then again, we were hosting and that is the job of the host but is it the most important? I remember Jesus' response to Mary, who had chosen to sit at his feet and listen, while the other Mary was very busy being a host.

I just heard a cricket that sounds like it is in my house. It is telling me to go to bed because it is Monday and I have to go to work in 7 hours.

BTW - The Pelican Brief is a great movie.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

New Kitchen Floor!

Thanks to our friends Dave and Melisa we have a new kitchen floor. Dave drove down this past weekend from their home in Williamsport to install this vynl floor for us. We are very happy with it. THANKS DAVE!


Where Does Your Food Come From?

This is the official symbol for irradiated food. Have you seen it on your meat purchases?
Did you know that many companies irradiate their meat products to MAYBE kill harmful bacteria, parasites and fungi?

Food is irradiated to make it safer. It can reduce the risk of foodborne illness by destroying harmful bacteria, parasites, insects, and fungi.
(no, but so what?)
You may be asking why there might be harmful pathogens in my food that they even need to be irradiated.
(isn't that just how fresh food is, you know, susceptible to spoiling and stuff?)
Drastic measures such as irradiation are necessary because of how our food is grown, processed, and distributed. The USDA and FDA tell us it is safe and for our good; I wonder how truly healthy is genetically modified and/or irradiated produce and meat.
But what if you knew where your vegetables, beef and poultry were coming from? What if you knew that the farmer who grew your green beans, tomatoes and peppers really cared about the health, quality and sustainability of his produce?

YOU CAN KNOW WHERE YOUR FOOD COMES FROM if you care whether you are eating the healthiest, most nutritious, best tasting food around.


FYI: the USDA maintains a meat recall list. Check it out; it kinda made me feel sick, you know.