Thursday, August 31, 2006

Excerpts from The Nation (hard gulp)

Why are there so few followers of Christ being persuasive about these important health issues? Why does the "environmental whacko" left "own" these issues? Hey, I'm a "RUSH BABY", deal with it.

"Organic foods seem elitist only because industrial food is artificially cheap, with its real costs being charged to the public purse, the public health and the environment. "
"An American shopping for food on a budget soon discovers that a dollar buys hundreds more calories in the snack food or soda aisle than it does in the produce section. Why? Because the farm bill supports the growing of corn but not the growing of fresh carrots. In the midst of a national epidemic of diabetes and obesity our government is, in effect, subsidizing the production of high-fructose corn syrup."
I hate high fructose corn syrup. We avoid it as much as possible. Not surprisingly, it is hard to find salad dressing that does not contain it. We are hard pressed to find any syrup, beverage, or candy in our grocery stores (maybe that's the problem right there...?) that doesn't contain it.

Three cheers for local, sustainable, diverse food!

Governor seen signing bill on non-California power

Governor seen signing bill on non-California power
Correct me if I am wrong but this looks like it has the fingerprints of the "environmental whacko" left all over it. I understand the need to protect and conserve our environment. In principle, I support many such causes. Hmmmm...

Q: California needs more electricity than is available, right?

Q: I'm not that smart but shouldn't CA be building more power plants and buying MORE power from out of state to meet its growing demand?

Q: How "dirty" is a coal burning power plant?

Q: Isn't C02 necessary for healthy plants?

Q: How many coal burning power plants running for 10 years straight would it take to generate as much greenhouse gas as one volcanoe erupting?

Q: Can anyone blame me for being skeptical of a cause that Al Gore advocates?

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Access to Plan B May Have Limited Effect -

Access to Plan B May Have Limited Effect -

It's been a while since something pricked me to vent here. Why is there an AP article saying the OTC sales of levonorgestrel (Plan B) will have "limited effect"?

Could it be that these pro-dead baby supporters (the mainstream media, the medical community, Planned Parenthood and the FDA itself) are acting like a boy who just coaxed a girl to have sex with him and then says,

"that was fun, but you weren't as good as so-and-so."
That boy is jerk and that girl should not have had sex with him! What the heck is going on in Washington?

ARGHH! From a social conservative, extremist, right wing, born-again, evangelical, "American Taliban", dim bulb, dumb, Christian, nut