Wednesday, August 31, 2005

"Don't Build Your House On The Sandy Land" or below sea level

I really have to wonder what people were thinking building a city below sea level. Well, OK, people didn't just decide to build a "city". I'm reminded of the Joker's quote in Batman, "have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moon light?" We were in bed with disaster and got caught with our pants around our knees.
Why didn't the people that could leave New Orleans get out? C'mon! The more I hear about looting the more I agree with my wife. "It's their own fault for not leaving," she said, "they were warned." I am deeply saddened about the loss of life from this storm and flooding. Reading and watching the news just kind of makes me depressed, a little. I haven't felt like this since 9-11.

They're talking about rebuilding New Orleans. I hope they mean in a different location, ABOVE SEA LEVEL! How foolish it would be. That's all; foolish.

In addition to all the death and suffering in the SE I am also becoming more anxious about fuel prices. Gas has gone up $0.20 in the past 2 days. It was $2.70 at our local Hess station tonight.

"Whom have I in heaven but you?
The earth has nothing I desire
besides you.
My heart and my flesh may fail
but God is the strength
of my heart
and my portion


Becky L said...

YOU'RE JOKING! i am envious of your 2.70 gas prices. you dont know how LUCKY you have it. we're up to about $3.39. yeah, it stinks. within two days it went up 50 cents.
my cousin in georgia told me that Atlanta gas is $5.80. i'm glad i dont live there. but at least in Atlanta, you can use public transportation almost anywhere. good ol' lancaster county doesnt have THAT MUCH to offer.

Anonymous said...

People didn't leave New Orleans when they were warned for the same reason that the people didn't repent and jump aboard Noah's ark before the flood began and for the same reason people today do not accept Christ when they are warned... whatever reason that is. The stupidity of humanity? The pride of self-sufficient people who think they "know it all" and don't need anyone? I don't get it.