Friday, September 15, 2006

Don't Eat That Bagged Spinach!

Google News headlines related to the E. Coli. outbreak 1st Warning Issued 9/15/06

Natural Selection Foods ( and Earthbound Farm ( appear to me to be the same enterprise. It is a shame that the organic industry is being tarnished by this terrible outbreak of sickness. I pray no one else is harmed.

The brands being recalled are: Dole, Natural Selection Foods, Pride of San Juan, Earthbound Farm, Bellissima, Rave Spinach, Emeril, Sysco, O Organic, Fresh Point, River Ranch, Superior, Nature’s Basket, Pro-Mark, Compliments, Trader Joe’s, Ready Pac, Jansal Valley, Cheney Brothers, Coastline, D’Arrigo Brothers, Green Harvest, Mann, Mills Family Farm, Premium Fresh, Snoboy, The Farmer’s Market, Tanimura & Antle, President’s Choice, Cross Valley, Riverside Farms.

Earthbound Farm farms about 26,000 acres and its products are sold in 74% of US supermarkets.

I hope you can see the danger here. It isn't organic farming. It is the national, capital intensive, processing and distribution system. Organic farms that ship their produce all over the continent should be called "organic factory farms".

The lesson to me is: buy from your sustainable-ag, local farmer OR grow it yourself!

BREAKAWAY FARMS is located in Lancaster County PA. They sell the healthiest, tastiest meats you can buy because their animals live outside and get fresh air and sunshine. For more info please email

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