Saturday, December 03, 2005 - Despite ban, farmers still use pesticide - Despite ban, farmers still use pesticide

I have to wonder if people would change their buying habits if they knew how some of the food they are able to purchase was produced. A farmer's top priority, I think, should be taking care of his soil. He should strive to protect and increase his topsoil. Healthy, fertile soil grows healthy, lush produce. It makes sense doesn't it?
I like capitalism. American people have benefitted from it and most have lived happy, productive and healthy lives. However, if our society continues to separate the Judeo-Christian values of our beginnings from the way we do business I believe our society will hasten its decline. Is the problem that people want cheap, red strawberries and tomatoes or the government that coerces farmers to do irresponsible things to produce them? I think they are both at fault; the consumers for being ignorant or just not caring and the government for not protecting our soil.

Did I mention MONSANTO SUCKS? They do, but that is beside my point.

If the government didn't subsidize or fix prices the farmers would be able to make a reasonable living without having to destroy the soil and harm other living things. But then the farmers probably wouldn't need to buy MONSTANTO's chemicals and M~ would go out of business. We would have to get all the big agri-chemical employees out of the government, FDA and USDA and outlaw their republican campaign support.

The Enemy Within is a book by Michael Savage. I want to read it.


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