Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Cross-disciplinary research reveals low-level pesticide exposure linked to myriad of learning, behavioral and medical problems.

I just learned something disturbing about the EPA and how it tests pesticides and herbicides.

Dr. Porter cites two independent studies that determined the "inactive" ingredients in Round-up make it twice as biologically active and, therefore, twice as potentially toxic as the potential of it's "active" chemical parts. Unfortunately, solvents and surfactants are not tested as part of the EPA registration process. "For example," says Porter, "the EPA registers glyphosate, the chemical considered an active ingredient in Round-up, not Round-up itself."

This article was found on the Rodale Institute web site. What really makes me angry about all these toxic chemicals that most farmers use is that they can use them without telling their neighbors or people downwind,
"hey, I'm spraying petsicide/herbicide/fertilizer (anhydrous ammonia) you might want to put on biochemical warfare protection..."
So, has anyone noticed fields of young, green corn spotted with dead, crispy weeds? If you noticed, did you wonder how weeds can be dead but corn looking fine in the same field? I didn't have to wonder long. My stomach turns when I see it because that field was probably sprayed with RoundUp and that corn is genetically modified to be RoundUp resistant. But when was it sprayed? were my kids outside then?

Check out the article for yourself; don't take my word for it. You may end up deciding to never buy non-organic produce again.

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